R4D technical

Background Brief

Chartered Engineer with twelve years of engineering experience succesfully implementing new machinary to unique design requirements. Analysis of data to drive understanding and development on a highly succesful research programme. Implementation, in a number of companies, of specifically developed engineering applications to aid engineering development, design and confirmation. Creation of database systems to capture and process user data to monitor key performance indicators within various busineses.

Bespoke Applications

August, 2020

If your business uses repetitive systems to determine an engineering requirement we can develop applications that can automate or streamline these processes. These can include applications to help with: -

  • Key variable calculation to meet design requirements
  • Automated part generation systems
  • Engineering feasibility and standards calculations
  • Wear monitoring programmes

This isn't a definitive list of what we can provide. Just contact us with your requirements and we'll let you know how we can help.

The programming languages used are: -

  • Programming - Visual Basic, Visual C#, HTML